i don’t know when but a day’s gonna come  creates an apocalyptic sense of space and time using rocks painted with verses and imagery from the Book of Revelations. The verses, which describe the second coming of Jesus, read like descriptions of the

i don't know when but a day's gonna come

Sed vitae enim egestas, congue arcu et, efficitur augue. Cras sit amet venenatis est. Sed pulvinar sodales lacus sit amet placerat. Nulla facilisi. Integer pellentesque semper magna vel pellentesque. Cras imperdiet tortor sit amet erat aliquet rutrum.

  i don’t know when but a day’s gonna come  creates an apocalyptic sense of space and time using rocks painted with verses and imagery from the Book of Revelations. The verses, which describe the second coming of Jesus, read like descriptions of the

i don’t know when but a day’s gonna come creates an apocalyptic sense of space and time using rocks painted with verses and imagery from the Book of Revelations. The verses, which describe the second coming of Jesus, read like descriptions of the contemporary issues regarding climate change. The painted rocks call up the passion and intensity of folk art to deliver an otherworldly message while the moving light gives an unnerving liveliness to the whole scene. i don’t know when but a day’s gonna come enables everyday objects to perform a foreboding message about future possibilities.
